Ones perceptions of the events on the end times influence and dictate the type of lifestyle they will live. For those who believe in the false teaching of pre tribulation rapture, preparation for the time of great tribulation is not needed; they await a rapture that could take place at any moment. This is the next big event that they are waiting for.
There are key factors that need to be considered that relate to end time events, one of which is the issue of unity. The church current is a church of disunity and has been for generations. There is the matter of the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith. We cannot walk in the one without walking in the other, they are inextricably linked. Paul speaks of both in Ephesians 4. The unity of the Spirit is the unity the Spirit produces in and amongst the body of Messiah. This unity is already given, it is already there. We don't strive for or work to get it. We do however, strive to keep it. Keep that which is given in the peace that binds us together.
The unity of the faith is the sum total of all we believe. It is all the teaching past on by Yeshua and the apostles, either audibly or written. We are all expected to believe the same thing, think the same thing, speak the same thing, when it comes to the faith. Jude, in his letter to the saints, admonishes them to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered. Clearly, the church today, is, in such a divided state regarding both the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith.
Satan has had a field day with his lies and false teachings that have been believed rather than the faith. God therefore, calls all the church to repent from our divisions and believe the truth which sets us free. What has this all to do with the end times? The time of tribulation will be the time when this unity comes about in practise, in reality. God affords us now, the opportunity to repent and turn from our pride. It appears that this will not be the case; therefore, God will use this last period of time to bring about this unity of the Spirit and the faith. Because of the difficult times, hardships, mark of the beast etc. believers are going to need each other. Denominational barriers will crumble and fall away, believers will be together not under any name or banner other than the headship of Messiah. May the grace of God be with you.
There are key factors that need to be considered that relate to end time events, one of which is the issue of unity. The church current is a church of disunity and has been for generations. There is the matter of the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith. We cannot walk in the one without walking in the other, they are inextricably linked. Paul speaks of both in Ephesians 4. The unity of the Spirit is the unity the Spirit produces in and amongst the body of Messiah. This unity is already given, it is already there. We don't strive for or work to get it. We do however, strive to keep it. Keep that which is given in the peace that binds us together.
The unity of the faith is the sum total of all we believe. It is all the teaching past on by Yeshua and the apostles, either audibly or written. We are all expected to believe the same thing, think the same thing, speak the same thing, when it comes to the faith. Jude, in his letter to the saints, admonishes them to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered. Clearly, the church today, is, in such a divided state regarding both the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith.
Satan has had a field day with his lies and false teachings that have been believed rather than the faith. God therefore, calls all the church to repent from our divisions and believe the truth which sets us free. What has this all to do with the end times? The time of tribulation will be the time when this unity comes about in practise, in reality. God affords us now, the opportunity to repent and turn from our pride. It appears that this will not be the case; therefore, God will use this last period of time to bring about this unity of the Spirit and the faith. Because of the difficult times, hardships, mark of the beast etc. believers are going to need each other. Denominational barriers will crumble and fall away, believers will be together not under any name or banner other than the headship of Messiah. May the grace of God be with you.