Friday, 28 June 2013


There always exists the possibility that we can continue multiplying words upon words to no end. We hear sermon after sermon, week in and week out. We read books upon books, we go to conference after conference to gain knowledge. What we have at the end of the day is people full of knowledge. It behoves us to ask, what have we done with all the things we have heard, read and learnt???

We need to stop, put a halt on this behaviour and weigh up what we have learnt and what it is we are actually walking in. Have we attended to the first things? Are we preparing ourselves for the days that lie ahead?. Are we watching, waiting, being in a state of readiness? There are certain things that God wants to work out, set in order before He takes us onto the next stage. We need to be careful that we do not find ourselves running ahead, thus, find ourselves being deluded by our enemy. It has been said, "we are not yet ready for the second coming of the Lord, because we have not yet fully appropriated the meaning of His first coming".

The Lord Jesus cannot return now because we are not yet ready for Him. He comes for a bride that has made herself ready and is prepared for Him. Consider these things and may the grace of God be with you all.

Monday, 24 June 2013


This was a chapter entitled Places of Refuge which I left out of my end time warning book. I would like to just say, during the time of final tribulation when the mark of the beast comes into effect, we as believers, will not be able to buy or sell or conduct business as usual. This has far reaching consequences for any believer living in houses, apartments and so forth. The reasons are quite obvious. Where then shall we live? Have you given this any thought?  True, the Lord may make a way in these types of settings.Indeed, God shall care for us and lead our paths, but to think we will be living in 5 star accommodation and eating the best meals served on bone china will be misleading. I believe there will be places of refuge, places of safety, established by the Lord for the final days of this age.

Many of us who believe, will be fleeing persecution and hiding from the forces of darkness. There will be adverse weather conditions, extreme cold, rain. This time will indeed be a time of the trying of our faith. The just shall live by faith is not only a requirement for all of us who believe now, but will be all the more in the final time of tribulation. Endurance, faith and patience will be the virtues that will be required of us then. We must prepare for this now.

I have mentioned before that this final time of tribulation will be a time of maturing the church.This is a conviction I have because of various reasons. God will afford us opportunity after opportunity to turn from our own wilful ways and live by His. When we become hardened by pride, He will then employ more harsher means to align us with His will and purpose.

One of the main purposes of God's dealings with His church during this time will be to set things in order, a work He has already begun, especially in the matters of THE UNITY OF THE FAITH, that which we believe, and THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT. You have to be honest with yourself and admit the church is undone, it lacks the above mentioned unity in reality. The church is divided into so many sectarian groups and denominations, all of which build their own little kingdoms and beliefs at the expense of God's own kingdom. Our professions of the Faith are not always what we actually live.

God has been patient towards us in our divisions but He commands all of us to come to repentance and walk and live in the unity He has called us to. As long as division and disunity remain in the church, we will continue to fail to be the demonstration God requires us to be. We are to be this demonstration to the principalities and  powers, of the wisdom of God. This demonstration is part of the eternal plan and purpose of God. It must be made by a church that has come to maturity as that of Christ's very own standard. See Ephesians 3 : 9 - 10. Ponder on these things. May the grace and peace of God be with you.

Sunday, 23 June 2013


The people of God whether Jew or gentile that have been incorporated into one body by virtue of the shed blood of the Messiah are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Yeshua being the chief cornerstone. Things prophetic are for a prophetic people and we are all called to that same spirit. True, not all are called to be prophets but we all share the same prophetic Spirit of Yeshua. If we are not an apostolic and prophetic people then we are not the true people of God at all. Our foundations need to be fundamental and birthed by the Spirit of the Living God else we are deceived. If our foundations are of an apostolic and prophetic nature then the rest of the building will be so and to be so is to be a people prepared and ready.

The picture presented here is by no means pleasant, on the other hand nor is it all doom and gloom either. As God’s people we must expect that the world will hate us more so at the end of this age, because the spirit of darkness is in direct opposition to the Spirit of Light and visa versa. The mark of the beast as we all know it to be will soon be instituted either by consent or by force. We need to awaken out of our sleep for the day is very near. Without the mark or the name or the number of the beast, no one will be able to buy or sell. This means all trading will cease unless one is authorised to, by submitting to the system that governs the day. You will not be allowed to buy or sell anything or continue your life style as normal when this system comes into effect. Do not think that you can receive the mark of the beast and continue to serve God because whoever does will drink of the wine of God’s wrath in the lake of fire and brimstone that burns forever and ever.

It is true we are not appointed for God’s wrath, but the time of great tribulation is the time of the devils wrath and he will seek to annihilate all those who belong to God. It is also the time when God pours out His judgements on the unrighteousness and rebellion of men. His judgements do not come upon the righteous as they are sealed from that. Many believers will however, lay down their lives for the sake of the Messiah, not holding onto their lives even in the face of death, others will remain alive until the Lord returns and so shall we ever be with the Lord for all eternity. 

We are living at end of this age .God has given us the scriptures and His Spirit to interpret them according to the pattern He has set forth. In them, we have God’s instruction as to what we can expect in these last days, so that we are altogether without excuse. There are places of refuge and provision where many will be sustained and kept. God is our hope and a very present help in trouble; He is there and will see us through to the end if we will but hold fast our faith firm to the end. This time is a call for the faith and patience of the saints. When the Messiah returns at the end of great tribulation, such as never was nor ever will be again, the devil will be bound for a thousand years and He shall reign for a thousand years on the earth after which a new heaven and earth will be established wherein dwells righteousness.

The last days will be marked by unprecedented deception. If we are not awake and watching we will be caught off guard and be taken up in deception. Because of multiplied lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold. There will come a great falling away from the faith. The absolute need for believers to draw near to the Lord in intimate fellowship with Him and out of that relationship develop intimate relationships with each other. We need to go beyond the superficial, casual kind of thing we have been so accustomed to and obey the call of deep unto deep. The body of Messiah in all its diverse aspects needs to function in the depth of fellowship that the human body represents; and our fellowship is going to need to be on a more frequent scale than a Sunday service with a midweek study or prayer meeting. Can your picture the human body functioning for only two or three days a week. What a catastrophe that would be, yet that is how we function in the church, we need to come to daily fellowship.

The relationship amongst believing Jew and believing gentile must come as a revelation to us, so that we can walk in the reality of that relationship as witness and testimony to principalities and powers. God has not finished with the Jew, and His purposes for Israel will go according to His plans. Believing gentiles are made partakers of the household of Israel, they are engrafted in as a wild olive tree to the natural olive tree. Out of the two, He has made one, who will glorify Him in a priestly role to all the nations of the earth.

The unity of the Spirit is already given, we don’t strive to attain it, we do however endeavour to maintain and keep it. We are in dire need of the revelation of this unity in order for the body of Messiah universal to function in the depth of it that we are called to. We are comprised of many members or parts, yet we are one. The unity to which we are called is none other than the very same unity that is shared in the Godhead, between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Can you imagine for one brief moment, that dissension of any kind or any depth whatsoever exists amongst the Godhead? Nay, this can never be so, never, never, no never ever; but because we have been lied to and deceived by our arch enemy, the devil, we have settled for something so inferior, something so contrary to the revealed will of God. Our divisions within the one true body of Messiah are a shame and disgrace to our God and we all need to repent of that sin. Know this that there will not be so many leaders in this one body, many who are apparent leaders now, will be moved out of their place and those whom God has genuinely appointed will take their own place.

The unity of the faith is the sum total of what we believe and we shall all come to that maturity where we all believe the same thing. Then we will no longer be children tossed to and fro by every teaching with the intent to deceive. God has already given the injunction that His house should be built and not our little insignificant denominations, those who have ears to hear, then hear and take heed. His house shall be built according to His own pattern. Even as Moses was given the pattern of the tabernacle on Mt. Sinai and was told to build it exactly as was shown him by God, even so, the Messiah of God has been given the pattern of the house His Father wants Him to build, so that we may be built into the dwelling and habitation of God in His fullness. What a glorious reality this is, and so shall the glory of the latter house be greater than the glory of the former house. Until the fullness of the kingdom of God comes saints, let us draw near to Him in faith and strengthen each other in Him being in close fellowship with each other all the more, for the days are evil. To Him is the glory, both now and evermore. Amen!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


In this chapter, we will consider the issue of the unity of the Spirit, which is to be expressed in our day to day lives as believers in Christ, whether Jew or gentile. Any attempt at what we perceive unity to be, other than that which is revealed in scripture, is to miss the mark and live below God’s glorious intention.

We have been lied to by the enemy to such a degree, that it has caused untold misery in our lives and witness as believers. Divisions are so deeply ingrained in the body of Christ. Our unity is so often fleeting and temporal. We come together for inter denominational gatherings, leave with bear hugs etc and go back to our walls and fences that separate us.

There is a pattern of fellowship that exists in the scriptures, of structure and conduct of the corporate people of God. As the Most High God gave instruction to Moses to build the temple utensils after a pattern God would show him, even so, a pattern was given to the apostles, how the ekklesia, the called out ones, should function as the body of Christ. Reading the new covenant scriptures show this to be true.

To a large degree, the people of God have wandered far away from His instructions, at times, to the very extremes, where they have become apostate. The great tragedy is, that over the years, we, as His people, have made excuses for our sin, continuing in it, until the time comes when God no longer tolerates our rebellion, thus creating circumstances that cause His people to come to our senses, repent and return to Him. This applies very much so to this issue of unity.

It is a fact that families of the same house will go to their preferential churches simply because they prefer this one to that one. If the church is divided, no wonder families, communities and even nations are divided.

Generations of divisions have plagued the church with some deep-seated bitterness and resentment amongst God’s people. The extent that believers in the same God will avoid each other, as if the other is plagued with a disease. What kind of testimony is this for those who profess to serve and worship the One True God?

Our divisions have been a monumental embarrassment to the name of our God, which has been the cause of great stumbling for those who would seek to enter the kingdom of God. To think that this is irrelevant is to deny that God’s people are divided at all. We are held accountable before the Most High God for our wilful and continued divisions.

Those who have sought to build their own little kingdoms and those who seek to maintain the same, that is, leader and follower alike, will find that their walls will come crumbling down all around them in these last days. The unity given us is a thing to be jealously guarded amongst all of God’s people, not just an elect few. We are to keep this unity of the Spirit in the peace that binds us together, as it is written. For the most part, to put aside our divisions and simply fellowship with other believers without our own banners over our heads, is a task that would better be left alone.

“Make every effort you can to keep the unity that is given by the Spirit in the peace that binds you together”.  (Eph. 4 verse 3)

This unity of the Spirit is personal. It is the Spirit's unity. It belongs to Him in the Godhead. We are not the author or initiator of this unity, the Holy Spirit is. We are made partakers and sharers of the Spirit's unity by virtue of our entering the kingdom of God and being placed into the body of Christ through the blood of Christ. Within the sphere of the body of Christ, this unity exists, because of the Godhead, because God exists or is self existent. We are made partakers of all spiritual blessings in Christ, we have been given everything needful for life and godliness. The unity of the Spirit is encapsulated in all these spiritual blessings in Christ. We are to endeavour to keep what is already given.

Let it be known, that our divisions grieve the heart of God, He sees His family being separated because they have chosen to believe the lie of the devil as if it were the truth. We come "together" as those divided amongst ourselves. If we were to understand from God’s viewpoint, His thoughts on our divisions, we would endeavour with all our might to be rid of them. Don’t be deceived any longer saints of God, by the father of lies, or those who purport to speak in the name of the Lord, confirming us in our divisions. Any man or woman, who proclaims that our divisions are acceptable, does not speak from God nor does He send them. They are a stumbling block to many and an offence. His judgements on our divisions will be final and quick; don’t think that because we still have them He must be pleased with them. He is not.

From whence come our divisions?

Where do our divisions come from? Often we deal with symptoms i.e. the fruit of a problem and neglect the root cause of a problem, therefore the problem still remains. There is always a root cause to our problems.

Our divisions come from our pride. It is our pride that leads us down the road into deception. This is the basis of our sin. 
Men like to build unto themselves as pretext to building unto God, all in the name of God too. We are good at making excuses, even theological excuses why we should have the divisions we have, all of which is a stench in the sight of God. I speak harshly and without reserve about our divisions, because they are an offence and an abomination to our God who despises them all the more than I can express.

I speak of our denominational divisions and fragmentation whereby we separate ourselves from fellow believers, on the grounds of differing interpretations of scripture and we love to have it so. Blatant error is something altogether different. May it be understood that I am speaking about the confines of the true church, not those religions that are exempt from inclusion to the most holy faith. This faith is for those who are born of God alone and no other, who are washed and cleansed by the precious blood of the Messiah of God. The denominational divisions in this faith are the subjects at hand. The one true body of Christ is segregated and fragmented by the opinions of men, who have gathered for themselves followers after their own brand of interpretation or style of fellowship. Believers themselves are guilty of the same offence in that they gather around particular leaders, as was the case even in the early church.

“ I urge you brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, that you all be in full agreement in what you say, that there be no divisions amongst you, that you be fully agreeable in what you think and what you decide. For it has been made known to me, my brethren, by those of Chloe’s household that there are quarrelling factions among you. What I mean is this, each of you say, I belong to Paul, or I belong to Apollos or I belong to Peter, or I belong to Messiah. Is the Messiah divided into bits and pieces? Was Paul crucified on behalf of you? Or were you baptised into Paul’s name?  (1 Corinthians 1 verses 10 – 13)

Kenneth Wuest’s expanded translation says it like this, “The Christ has been divided into various parts, with the present result that He lies there broken up into fragments which are distributed among you.” 

This was said to the Corinthians shame not to their favour. In our modern day we may not be saying, I am of Paul, or I am of Apollos and so – on. We do however say, I am of Rhema Bible Church, I am of Assemblies of God, I am of Living Waters Fellowship or whatever other name we may go by. How we love to be called by other names. We take the same stance as they did then, we are guilty of the same offence. 

Our guilt remains as long as we remain in and do not deal with the root cause of our divisions. If we agree on those doctrines that bind us together in the true faith, then we have no grounds whatsoever to be separated from fellowship with each other, We then condemn ourselves to our lack of faith in the revealed instructions of God and obedience to His instructions and requirements of us as the corporate people of God. All of scripture is fundamental, not just certain doctrines. To agree to disagree may sound wise but it is human wisdom and it is carnal, even devilish.

Regularly, all over the world new denominations are being established. They are being split into further factions and more split factions as they disagree with each other. And who do we think is being glorified? We ought to be embarrassed and ashamed with our behaviour. There are thousands and thousands of differing denominations today, not different branches of the same denomination, but literally different denominations. This in itself should speak volumes to us about the apparent unity we share. I bow my head in shame and disgrace at this horrendous thing. The apostolic letter of Paul to the church at Corinth is a reminder to us in our day of just how deeply entrenched in our divisions we have become. The oneness or unity of the body of Christ to a large degree, is merely a theoretical stance and not palpable reality. This is largely due to the fact that we don't realise, the unity of the Spirit is already given to us. Let the Apostle Paul continue to speak in rebuke to our condition.

“However, brethren, I could not talk to you as those who are spiritual but as those who are non spiritual, like babies in Christ. I fed you with milk and no solid food, for you were not yet strong enough for solid food, even now you are not yet ready for it. For you are still non spiritual because as long as you have jealousy and envy and divide yourselves, are you not proving yourselves to be non spiritual people. For as long as you divide yourselves by saying, I am of Paul, and another says, I am of Apollos, you are showing yourselves to be non spiritual people”.  (1 Corinthians 3 verses 1 – 4)

They were dividing the one body of Christ into pieces over their favourite leader and they were rebuked for it. Their attitude proved just how spiritual they actually were, mere babies in the faith to be fed with milk and not solid food. Solid food is for those who are able to chew on it without separating themselves into factions over this one or that one. 

Our so-called maturity levels are unmasked when we realise that our divisions are a mark of our babyhood. Real maturity is when we can come together outside of the boundaries and walls we have built which the Christ came to destroy, thus continuing in unbroken fellowship with other believers in the same household of faith. All leaders in the kingdom of God are fellow servants together, not unto themselves, but for the benefit of all the people of God and not their little factions.

“After all, what is Apollos? What is Paul? Merely ministering servants, not heads of parties, through whom you came to faith, even as the Lord appointed to each his task. I planted, Apollos watered, but it is God that made it grow. So then, neither he who plants is anything or he who waters, but only God who makes it to grow. He who plants and he who waters are of equal importance, each will receive his own reward for his labour. For we are fellow workers together for God; you are His field under cultivation and His building”.  (1 Corinthians 3 verses 5 – 9)

A brief word to ministers.

Bear with me for a brief moment while I speak foolishly, in a manner of speaking, at our current state of affairs. Have you ever heard about the Apostle Paul Ministries? What about the Apostle Peter Church Planting Ministry or maybe Deacon Philip Evangelistic Outreach or what about JTBMI, which by the way stands for John the Beloved Ministries International. This sounds all so incredulous, yet that is exactly what we have done; we have taken the giftings and callings of God and made something light of it, as if we have the right to do so. How we love to be called and identified by some kind of name. My ministry, my church, my calling, my this and my that, as if it belongs to us. We are trustees and stewards of the grace given us, so it belongs to Him.

“Not many of you should become teachers (leaders), my brethren, for you know that we teachers (leaders) will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity than other people. Thus we assume the greater accountability and the more condemnation.  (James 3 verse 1)

For those who are in ministry/service. You had better make sure that you are there by divine appointment. Know that it is God who has called you there and not some self-appointment of a man made kind. Walk in your calling in the measure of grace and faith that is given you and do so passionately. God is more interested in our life than in our ministry. If ministry becomes a thing in itself, then we have crossed the line between service for God and service for ourselves. Ministry has become something so engrossed in itself that we have lost the original weight of what ministry actually is. It is nothing short of servant hood and service to all of God’s people. The words ministry and minister, (not that they are bad in themselves), have come to mean something other than was intended. They sound higher and nobler than service and servant. To be in ministry is to be in service for the King, to be a minister is to be a servant of the King.

As ministers/servants we are called to cooperation with each other and not opposition to each other. There is no need to be threatened by another minister/servant. We need to realise that our task together is for the development of the whole body of believers. The Head of the church’s gifting of apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd and teacher are for the benefit of the whole body and should have one and the same aim, the nurture and growth to full maturity of the same body of Christ to His glory not ours.

For the rest of the church!

In a very real sense the entire body of Christ is called to be ministers/servants, yet not all are appointed to be, apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds or teachers. We are literally all to be servants to each other in humility, submitting ourselves one to another. The one Spirit of God has given us individually, grace, to function corporately in the one body of Christ.

 We all, regardless of physical or spiritual age, are placed into the body of Christ as He wills. Our function, or lack of it, either contributes to the growth of the body, or stagnates it. Each one, no matter how insignificant that one may seem, has a role to play and by that I don’t mean one is a floor sweeper and another is a washer of dishes, but that each one is gifted with grace to function as a particular member of the body as God has seen fit. Many believers have failed to realise their worth in the body; some have even given up trying to find out where they fit and have settled for just attending church

To a large extent, leaders are to blame for this, failing to nurture God’s people in the wisdom and knowledge of God as is the purpose of the 5 fold gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4. On the other side of the coin believers have failed to commit themselves to the Lord, being slothful in their own study of the scriptures and personal growth expecting it to be done for them.

“Things are hidden temporarily only as a means to revelation. For there is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything temporarily kept secret except in order that it may be known. If any man has ears to hear, let him be listening and perceive and comprehend. And He said to them, be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you, and more besides will be given to you who hear. For to him who has will more be given, and from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away (by force)”.
(Mark 4 verses 22 – 25)

Even though there are teachers in the body of Christ, that, does not negate personal study of the scriptures and development of one’s relationship with God. Each individual member has a responsibility for his or her own relationship with God to a degree. However, not outside of the confines of the collective body of believers. This is a paradox. We are believers together not on our own, although we may come to believe on our own, we cannot remain on our own. The fellowship of believers is essential to our continued walk with God. The need for true fellowship in these last days in particular is of utmost importance.

The body of Christ in all its variety, not divisions, are going to need each other in the last days like no other time before. We will have to transcend our denominational boundaries, either willingly, or we will be thrust or forced into it. 

When you fellowship with other believers of the faith, don’t look at each other as if you are strangers from another planet. We are of the same household of faith. We are brothers and sisters in the Lord, regardless of colour or creed. We actually share the same faith and follow the same Lord. Yes, we have differing doctrines over various issues, but we need to cast aside our pride and regard our common salvation that we share in Christ. We need to grasp the revelation of the unity of the Spirit. We need to allow the Spirit of Truth to lead us into ALL Truth, as revealed by the same Spirit. Do you desire this?

“ Beloved, my whole purpose in writing to you was to talk about the common salvation we share. But I was impelled to urgently write to you about contending for the faith that was once for all delivered verbally to the saints”.  (Jude verse 3)

Just what is the faith? It is the sum total of all that we believe. The prefix ‘the’ before the word faith reveals something of a holy kind, not some arbitrary faith that is cheap.  It is only one of a kind, no other faith will suffice or be acceptable to God, because it is His and He has bestowed it upon His people Jew and gentile who are formed into one body. We are stewards of this faith, entrusted with something so holy, that only a holy people can walk in it and we are made holy by virtue of the shed blood of Christ.

“For to whom much is given, of him much is required; and of him to whom men entrust much they will require the more”.  (Luke 12 verse 48b)

We, as God’s corporate people, have been entrusted with much. Therefore much is required of us. This is no light matter and it demands from us our attention. Our calling saints, is holy, it is not from this earth but from above. We are called by the living God of heaven and earth, the One who spoke the word and it came to pass, the One who is above all and over all, to whom absolute authority belongs. He has chosen us to be His own. Paul, writing to Timothy says,

“If I am detained, you may know how people ought to conduct themselves in the household of God, who are the called out (church) of the living God, the pillar and stay of the Truth”.  (1 Timothy 3 verse 15)

The church of the living God, the body of Christ, is the pillar and stay of the Truth. Can you begin to sense the weight and magnitude of this holy calling, with which we are called ?  All this is attainable, by the grace that is given to us, not merely individually but collectively, not divided but in the true unity of the Spirit. The prayer of our Lord Jesus for His disciples to His Father will come to pass.

“And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, them whom you have given me, that they may be one, as we are one. So that they all may be one just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they may be one in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory which you have given me, that they may be one even as we are one; I in them and you in me, in order that they may become one, that the world may know that you have sent me”.  (John 17 verses 11, 21 – 23)

Do we need any more profound witness than this prayer of the Lord Jesus? Five times the Lord Jesus asks His Father for oneness or unity to be amongst and in His disciples. Twice He says that the world may believe you have sent me. The world will never believe or even take God into their consideration in any real depth, with our divisions. There is a unity required of us by God for all His people to walk in as reality, as something that is visible for the world to see. We sing a song with lyrics that go like this,

Father make us one, Father make us one,
That the world may know you have sent,
Your Son, Father make us one.

Often we sing it as a cliché, yet the cry of that song is the express request of God’s Son for us His people and the Father shall grant it to Him. We shall be one beyond the boundaries of our divisional, denominational structures that we have built, as a testimony to our pride. The walls of division will come crashing down, as they have already begun. The Head of the church will have a people walking, not merely in the unity of the Spirit but also the unity of the faith.

What is the unity of the Spirit?

This unity is not a hit and miss thing. It is not vague or hidden. It is given by the Spirit of God. It is that which we embrace, when we are born from above and are placed into the body of Christ. We all share this unity regardless of our denominational affiliation or divisions. We don’t strive to attain it, because it is already given. We do however, endeavour to keep it. This unity cannot be rejected by any of us. It is there in place, in the sphere of the body of Christ as we are introduced into that same body, by the Spirit

“Be eager to keep the unity of the Spirit in the peace that binds you together”.
(Eph. 4 verse 3)

The Spirit produces this unity; it is of Him and from Him. This very Spirit, is none other than, the Spirit of God. This unity of the Spirit, is also the very unity that is shared amongst the Godhead. The same unity that exists between Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the same unity that is to be walked in by the body of Christ. The depth of this understanding is beyond mortal words. Only the Spirit Himself, can testify to our spirit and mind, the truth of this understanding. It cannot be understood by the natural mind.

Can we imagine at any point in time, even for one millisecond, that the Godhead might disagree with each other. At that moment, if the Godhead could disagree amongst themselves, God would not be God as He presents Himself to be. He would in fact be a false god and our faith would be in vain, we would be lost. The truth is, that no such division or disagreement can or does exist amongst the Godhead; it is impossible and improbable, it simply cannot be. God is who He says He is. Halleluyah!!!

“For by one Spirit we were all, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, baptised into one body and all made to drink of one Spirit”.  (1 Corinthians 12 verse 13)

As with any truth in scripture, unity is not merely something that we give mental ascent to, yet live contrary to our confession, which is hypocrisy. We are called to unity as actual experience and not mere verbal acknowledgement. The unity of the Spirit is not for an elect few who might be willing to commit themselves to the task; it is the calling and requirement of every single one of us.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
(Psalm 133 verse 1)

If dwelling together in unity is good and pleasant, then the adverse would also be true. It would go something like this, ‘Behold how bad and terrible it is for brethren to dwell together in disunity for it is there the Lord withholds His blessing’ and we all know how unpleasant disunity can be. To be able to see the entire church walking in true unity is to be visionary; to what extent we are willing to give up our pride will be the same extent we will walk in the depth of this unity. This kind of unity goes beyond mere conventional unity with a pat on the back and bear hug stuff we are so used to. It transcends our shaking hands over our boundary fences and returning back to our own little properties. It removes the fences altogether that we can freely enter into fellowship with family members of the same unique faith and worship the one true God together. In this unity, not one member is threatened by another but each member functions with the measure of grace and faith apportioned them by the Head, thus growing with a growth that comes from the same. What a glorious body this will be.

What about the unity of the faith?

The scriptures not only speak of the unity of the Spirit but also the unity of the faith. If the unity of the Spirit is that unity we all share when we are birthed into the one body of Messiah by the Holy Spirit, then what is the unity of the faith? A definition has already been given.

Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, becoming mature by attaining to the full measure of the Messiah’s own fullness. Then, we will no longer be like children who are tossed here and there by differing teachings taught by men to deceive by their crafty schemes”.  (Ephesians 4 verses 13 – 14) 

It is not for some of us to attain but all of us, the whole body of Messiah. Attaining to the unity of the faith is synonymous with our coming to full maturity, even the fullness that is the Messiah’s own. What happens then? We will no longer be like children who are tossed here and there by so many differing teachings from men in order to deceive. As things currently stand, the church is constantly being heaved backwards and forwards by so many differing doctrines on the many issues that comprise the faith. This shows that we have not yet attained to the unity of the faith or the maturity thereof. This attaining to the unity of the faith must be as demonstration for a world that is fraught with division. The whole body of believers will come to this unity; it shall be so. If you struggle with comprehending this, then your vision is small and you need to see as God sees and has made known His desire in the scriptures. It will come to pass that the whole body of believers will walk and live in this unity of the faith; broaden your vision saints of God; it is His desire and will for such a thing. We will all believe the same thing; we will all have the same understanding; we will all come to the unity of the faith.

The only ‘divisions’ that will exist will be those of a geographical nature, that is to say, the areas in which we live namely, our towns, cities and nations. Remember, that this unity I am referring to is that which is reserved for those who are of the household of faith, for those who have been birthed by the Spirit of God into the kingdom of God and made one in the one body of the Messiah of God. It is not for those of other faiths or belief systems; this is for God’s very own, flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone, thus being made partakers of very God Himself.

Panelled houses built by men.

Hear the rebuke of God through his servant the prophet Haggai to His people Israel, which rebuke is for us all the same.

“Thus says the Lord of hosts: This people say, the time is not yet come that the Lord’s house should be rebuilt. Then the word of the Lord came by the prophet Haggai, saying, Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your own panelled houses, while this house of the Lord lies in ruins? Now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways and set your mind on what has come to you. You have sown much, but you have reaped little; you eat, but you do not have enough; you drink, but you do not have your fill; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages has earned them to put them in a bag with holes in it. Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways your previous and present conduct and how you have fared. Go up to the hill country and bring lumber and rebuild my house, and I will take pleasure in it and I will be glorified, says the Lord. You looked for much harvest, and lo, it came to little; and even when you brought that home, I blew it away. Why? Says the Lord of hosts? Because of my house which lies waste, while you yourselves run each man to his own house eager to build and adorn it”.  (Haggai 1 verses 2 – 9)

Our denominational structures today are the same as those who were building their own houses at the expense of the greater house of God. We, His people are that house. It is not something made out of brick and cement; it is us who are living stones that are being built together to form the very habitation of God Himself in His fullness.

“But the Messiah was faithful over His own Father’s house as a Son. And it is we who are this house, if we hold fast firm to the end in hope”.  (Heb. 3 verse 6)

“In Him the whole structure is joined, bound, welded together harmoniously; and it continues to rise, grow, increase into a holy temple in the Lord – a sanctuary dedicated, consecrated to the presence of the Lord. In Him and in fellowship with one – another, you yourselves are also being built up into this structure with the rest, to form a fixed abode, a dwelling place of God in the Spirit”.  (Ephesians 2 verses 21 – 22)

This structure that is being built together into a holy temple in the Lord is none other than the very House of God, which we are. This house cannot be built in a divided manner; but must be built up together. God is the wise master builder, piecing together the lively stones after His own pattern, not ours. The foundation no man can lay for it is already laid and that foundation is the Messiah Yeshua; He is both the Head and foundation of the structure, we, Jew and gentile, are the building together and individually members of it.
Do we have any sense of reality about how much our divisions have been a cause of stumbling and offence to those who would seek to enter the kingdom of God? What about how much we have grieved the heart of God by our divisions? We rebuke the devil when often the blessing of God is withheld from us.

“Therefore the heavens above you for your sake withhold the dew, and the earth withholds its produce. I have called for a drought upon the land and the hill country, upon the grain, the fresh fruit juice, the oil, upon what the ground brings forth, upon men and cattle, and upon all the wearisome toil of men’s hands”.  (Haggai 1 verses 10 – 11)

It is the Lord who calls for these chastisements and judgements on the earth to withhold His blessings because of our sin. When we repent of our sin, then He forgives and looses the curse for His blessing to flow. God will not affirm us in our sin; He requires us to repent and turn, then He will bless and heal. It is God who resists the proud not the devil. The denominational barriers that we have built to separate God’s people from each other is a monument to our pride. God’s people boast themselves of their own houses (denominational barriers) that they have built. Our fancy church buildings are an affront to the name of our God and boast of our ability to erect brick and cement structures that God no longer dwells in. We need a revelation of the structure that God by His Spirit is building and it is not out of brick and cement. Men waste millions and millions of dollars erecting structures out of brick and cement at the expense of the true structure of God, which are living stones, real flesh and blood people.

‘ Come and as living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Yeshua the Messiah”.  (1 Peter 2 verse 5)

Each one of us are likened to a stone that is to be built into a spiritual house, even as we are likened to a body that is set according to the will of Him who called and placed us in the same. We are ipso facto related to each other as brothers and sisters in the Messiah by virtue of the shed blood of God’s own Son. This union of the spirit is more real than our physical union with flesh and blood brothers and sisters; yet do you see how we behave towards each other, especially from different denominational affiliations. We treat each other like aliens from out of space, as though some of us have diseases. We have rich denominations, we have poor denominations, we have white denominations, and we have black denominations, each one catering to their particular requirement. The unity of the faith knows no boundaries or denominational divisions. Do you want to hear a contradiction of terms, when we say we are ‘non – denominational’ or we are ‘not a denominational fellowship’, yet we still segregate other believers from ourselves by fellowshipping with our own little circles? We should be ashamed of ourselves, for our conduct reflects directly upon the Lord who paid the price in blood to make us one in Him.

What do we do?

We repent, repent and repent all the more. All of us bear the guilt of division, leader and member alike. As is the priest so are the people. This repentance will come through strong crying and bitter tears, in other words, we will have to realise the great pain we have caused our Father. Our divisions have been the norm not the exception. The time has come for us to turn to the Lord with all our hearts with fasting and weeping and ask the Lord for His forgiveness. We need to forgive each other and be forgiven by each other. We must turn from our pride and seek each other out beyond the boundaries of our denominational barriers. What about our doctrinal differences? We trust the Lord to reveal our errors and lead us into all truth. I am acutely aware that this will not happen in a day; it will take some time but happen it must. Like all other things, there is an easy way to do something and there is a hard way. If we humble ourselves then He will lift us up and bring us to the reality of this level of agreement where we all believe the same thing, where we think the same thing. If this is something we will not do willingly and out of love for Him, then we will be thrust into it.

The Lord will arouse the spirit of His people, so that we will come and build His house even as He did to Zerubbabel, Joshua and the rest of His people in the reign of Darius, king of Persia and so shall the glory of the latter house be greater than that of the former house. It is the foolish man who hears and nods his head and does nothing; it is the wise man that hears and obeys.

Sunday, 16 June 2013



Is there any weightier topic in the scriptures than Jews and gentiles, barring very God Himself and all that He is in the revelation of Himself to mankind? This topic of Jew and gentile demands our attention now more so than ever. By the definition of Jew and gentile, I mean those gentiles who have repented and turned from their wilful ways and are become the people of God by faith in the Messiah. The Jews, i.e. Israel, have always been the people of God, a truth so very much forgotten by gentile believers, albeit, Jews need to repent also and receive their Messiah.  The gentiles who have come to repentance are the people of God by virtue of their being in relationship with Israel’s Messiah, thus forming the people of God. The entity commonly known as the church, which comprises of Jew and gentile is not an entity unto itself but is a part of the whole people of God. One of the representations in scripture of gentile believers is that of a wild olive branch being engrafted into the natural olive tree which is Israel.

 The Greek word ekklesia that is translated into our English language as church actually means an assembly or gathering of citizens or people for any purpose be it customary, social, political or religious reasons. In the spiritual sense it has reference to the gathering or assembling of all God’s people, either globally or locally to worship the one true God of heaven and earth. There is only One Way to the Father and that through His only begotten Son for Jew and gentile alike, no exceptions whatsoever.

Much injustice has been done regarding Israel and their relationship with the church by the church and vice a versa. Both entities are a nation to God in their own peculiar way by the sovereign choice of God. Israel is a nation unto God even as the church is a nation unto God, a people peculiarly His own. His divine intent is that the two become one, so being one nation unto Him, a nation of priestly people to bless all the nations of the earth, this being the divine intention from the very foundation of the world.

There is a unity implied and expected from the relationship of Israel and the church that has long been a stumbling block to both. I am persuaded to believe that the enemy of both for reasons we must know threw this stumbling block there. If the church and Israel were to walk in this unity, it would cause principalities and powers to crumble and be shaken out of their place. The church and Israel are both part of the same structure that is being fashioned and formed together for a habitation, a fixed abode for God in His fullness. See Eph. 2: 11 - 22

In dealing with this matter of Israel and the church, we will look at the unity implied and expected between the two. Two books that are an essential reference point for our understanding are the book of Ephesians, where the relationship between the two is expounded in depth; and the book of Romans where we understand that unbelieving Jews, i.e. those Jews who refuse to trust in the Messiah are replaced by the believing gentile and by the same token God is not finished with the Jew.

Let us start with Paul’s letter to the saints at Ephesus.

“Before the foundation of the world, God chose us to be in the Messiah to be separated and blameless in love. To be His own children through the Messiah Yeshua according to His own will and purpose”. (Ephesians 1 verses 4 – 5)
Paul goes straight to the issue of us. Who is the ‘us’ he is referring to? Reading the whole context of this issue, he is referring to Jews and gentiles who are chosen to be the people of God in the Messiah and shows the timing of His purpose, before the foundation of the world, which purpose is a mystery that has now been unveiled and is recorded for us who believe. It must come however, as a revelation or else we will read it and not perceive it, it will remain as an unveiled mystery to us. Remember that the divisions of chapters and verses are not in the original text; it is one continuous discourse.

“He has made known to us the mystery of His purpose according to His own good pleasure which God purposed in the Messiah being this, that He would gather together all things in heaven and earth into the Messiah when the time was ripe for it”.  (Ephesians 1 verses 9 – 10)

Can you not sense the eternal weight of God’s glorious purpose here revealed and penned by the apostle Paul? This gathering together of all things is inclusive of Jew and gentile into the Messiah where God’s purposes are realised. This is foundational truth, i.e. apostolic and prophetic truth we are reading even from the foundation of the world.

“Therefore, remember your former state: you gentiles by birth, called uncircumcision by those who, merely because of an operation on their flesh, are called circumcision, at that time had no Messiah. You were estranged from the national life of Israel. You were foreigners to the covenants embodying God’s promise. You were in this world without hope and without God. But now, you (the gentiles) who were once far off have been brought near through the shedding of Messiah’s blood. For He Himself is our peace, He has made us both one and has broken down the wall that divided us by destroying in His own body the enmity occasioned by the law, with its commands set forth in the form of ordinances. He did this in order to create in Himself one new man out of Jew and gentile thus making peace. Also to reconcile to God both Jew and gentile in one body by being put to death on the cross as a criminal, thus destroying the enmity thereby. Also, when He came, He proclaimed as good news, peace to you who were afar off and peace to those who were nearby. The news was that through the Messiah both Jew and gentile have access by one Spirit to the Father. So then, you gentiles are no longer foreigners and strangers. On the contrary, you are fellow – citizens with the Jews as God’s people and members of God’s family. You are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets; the Messiah Himself is the cornerstone of the building. In union with Him, the whole building of Jew and gentile is held together and is growing up into a holy temple, yes in union with Him you yourselves are being built up as a fixed dwelling place for God”. (Ephesians 2 verses 11 – 22)

These passages just quoted and hopefully read by you the reader say it all. The revelation content here, expresses the very heartbeat of God Himself. I have highlighted essential points to bring out the weight of this revelation given to Paul and also to us. When the appointed time was right, God sent forth His Son born of a virgin to redeem the world from sin. In doing thus, He also came to put away the enmity between Jew and gentile and out of the two, make one new man to be a holy habitation of God. This He purposed before the foundation of the world for the praise of His own glory.

Although a Jew, when he repents and acknowledges the Messiah is made a member of the body of believers commonly known as the church, it is more so the case of a gentile when he repents and acknowledges the Messiah that he is made a partaker of the national life of Israel. He is born into the family of God, which already exists. It is the nature of the case that a gentile when he believes in the Messiah, he is made a partaker of the covenants and promises of Israel. A straight forward reading of Ephesians openly declares this to be so.

Dead in trespasses and sins, in the world without God, without hope, under the sway and control of the ruler of the power of the air and destined for the wrath of God. These are descriptions that apply to gentile unbelievers and for non-believing Jews for that matter. Yet, when one is convicted by the Holy Spirit of God and repents, turning from his/her wicked ways they are translated out of darkness into light. They become sharers of the covenants and promises of the national life of Israel by virtue of the shed blood of the Messiah.

Chapter three of Ephesians continues thus,

Because of this very thing, I, Paul am a prisoner on behalf of you the gentiles. I believe you have heard of the grace of God given to me for the work to be done for your benefit and that it was by revelation that this mystery was made known to me. I have written about this already briefly and after reading what I have written, you will grasp how I understand the mystery concerning the Messiah. The Spirit is now revealing this to the apostles and prophets unlike past generations when it was not known, that in union with the Messiah by the good news, the gentiles are to be made joint heirs in one body being joint sharers with the Jews in what God had promised. I became a servant of this very good news by the grace of God, which He empowered me with by His power. To me then who am the least important of all God’s holy people was this honour given of announcing to the gentiles, the good news of the Messiah’s unfathomable riches and how this mystery was going to be worked out. This plan that was kept hidden for ages by God creator of everything is in order that now to principalities and powers in heavenly places, the church (i.e. those who are called out of the world Jew and gentile alike) might demonstrate the wisdom of God. This is in accordance with the age old purpose of God that is accomplished in the Messiah Yeshua our Lord”. (Ephesians 3 verses 1 – 11)

Because of this very thing as Paul writes, is the revelation of the mystery of Jew and gentile being formed into one body in the Messiah. This revelation did not bode well with the many in Paul’s day and ironically nor has it for generations after, even until now. Who do you think might be responsible for the enmity that has arisen amongst the two? If only we knew the depths of this eternal purpose of God in the Messiah, we would also know that our archenemy has sort to destroy this knowledge by perversions and lies. The Greek word ekklesia, where we derive our English word church, as primary meaning in a Christian sense is reference to a body of people called out of something unto God and encompasses Jew and gentile alike. The term church often conjures up thoughts of gentile believers only, which is a serious detraction from the actual truth. Once again, Jews are the people of God even as believing gentiles are also and there is only one appointed medium by which either can enter the kingdom of God, which is Yeshua the Messiah. This mystery came to Paul by divine revelation and will remain a mystery only to those who do not have eyes to see or ears to hear. It is the will of God that we, the whole body of believers, perceive by revelation this same mystery. Whether that revelation comes by reading the scriptures, being the most likely case, or by direct impartation is irrelevant, but it needs to come. And unless it comes we will continue in a measure of blindness that will keep us from the eternal purposes of God in the Messiah.

There is a relationship that presently exists between Jew and gentile that if the veil were taken off our hearts, it would revolutionise our whole thought process and manner of life. I say if the veil were taken off our hearts for two reasons: 1) In a very real sense we are in darkness because the Holy One of Israel has allowed it to be so because of our, Jew and gentile hardness of heart and as an open reading of the book of Romans so declares, particularly chapters nine to eleven.
2) The enemy has blinded our eyes that we may not see the truth of relationship revealed by the Holy Spirit of God in the scriptures. 

I believe that soon the veil will be removed, yet to a small degree it is already being drawn back and the revelation of this relationship is being seen for what it is. The depth of true understanding will come into effect, “what God has joined together, let no man separate”. There are types and foreshadowings in scripture that convey a deeper meaning than we have anticipated, because our understanding is limited. The mystery of relationship that is alluded to by Paul in Ephesians between husband and wife is a conveying of spiritual truth to describe in human terms the relationship between the church i.e. the people of God, that is, Jew and gentile and their Head, namely the Messiah of God. Paul’s prayer to the Ephesian believers being granted a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the intimate knowledge of God needs to be our prayer. See Ephesians 1 verse 17.

We need to see as God sees, that is true seeing. Jew and gentile are to be fashioned into one single body for His own glory and honour. The fact that God first chose the Hebrews through Abraham and through them chose for Himself a number of gentiles who would believe in Him through His Son, was His divine and sovereign prerogative. Who are we to question that? O, the depths, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God.

We turn now to the book of Romans, reading chapters nine to eleven. The written revelation of God concerning the relationship between Jew and gentile is well noted here. Space does not allow us here to quote all three chapters. I would like to make a comment before going into these chapters. There are certain sectors of gentile believers that teach God has done away with the Jews (Israel) in favour of the gentile church, commonly known as replacement theology. These proponents of this teaching spiritualize direct references to Israel for the church because they believe the church has replaced Israel in the purposes of God. While it is true that God rejected Israel because of their continued rebellion and rejection of Him, His rejection of Israel was not to be forever. There would come a time that God would once again turn to His people Israel and they would return to Him and of the whole, only a remnant would be saved. How much longer the gentile world has before their allocation of those to be redeemed from it is completed; only God knows, yet it is soon, then salvation will return to the Jews. After all, salvation is of and from the Jews. See John 4 verse 22.

This is not to say that Jews do not get saved before the full ingathering of the gentiles has come in. If any Jew repents, as is the requirement of God through His Son, Yeshua, he shall be saved indeed. I do believe that it will become apparent to Jews that their need for the Messiah of God will become greater in these last days, until that day in which en masse they will repent bitterly, in acknowledgement at the sight of Him with Whom we have to do. Not all of Israel will be saved; the One who calls them knows only a remnant and the number of them.

“The Lord is not slack concerning the thing He promises as some consider slackness, but is long - suffering towards us not wanting anybody to perish, but that all will come to repentance”.  (2 Peter 3 verse 9)

The sad state of affairs is, as we all know that this is not the case. Men reject God’s free gift of salvation willingly, choosing rather to live a life of sin than live a life of righteousness by His Son Yeshua. As equally as God is not willing that any perish, even so those who refuse to trust in Him for life will incur His everlasting wrath in the fires of hell. Is it any wonder then that we are exhorted not to refuse Him who speaks from heaven, as the writer of the book of Hebrews declares?

“So see to it that you do not reject Him or refuse to listen to and heed Him Who is speaking to you now. For if they (the Israelites) did not escape when they refused to listen and heed Him Who warned and divinely instructed them here on earth – revealing with heavenly warnings His will – how much less shall we escape if we reject and turn our backs on Him Who cautions and admonishes us from heaven”?  (Heb. 12 verse 25)

There will be no room for excuses from either Jew or gentile in that day, none whatsoever. The Most High God will require of all men, women and children irrespective of colour or creed why they have conducted themselves in the manner they have and judgement will be meted out accordingly.

I trust that you have read the book of Romans and in particular chapters nine to twelve, if not then do so now before continuing as it will be essential and central to our understanding of the relationship between Jew and gentile. In the first three verses of chapter nine, Paul speaks about the anguish of heart he experienced over his natural kinsmen, in fact his bitter grief, wishing that he would be cut off instead of them from their Messiah. He goes on to say,

“To them belong the adoption, the Shekinah (glorious presence) is theirs, the covenants were made with them and the Torah (law) was given to them. The temple service and worship and God’s own promises are all theirs. To them belong the patriarchs and as far as His natural descent is concerned came the Messiah who is over all. Praised be God forever”.  (Romans 9 verse 4)

What has God not given to Israel? They have inherited all of God’s goodness, which is covenant indeed. Even the very Messiah of God Himself is theirs, what more could they ask for. Yet they rebelled time and again, playing the harlot, finding refuge in other nations running after false gods instead of God Himself. How would we fare if we were in the Sovereign Lord’s position? Perhaps we would zap them or wipe out the whole nation of miserable, rebellious Jews. Indeed there were occasions that God’s anger was kindled against His people in fierceness and many were destroyed but His mercy was still upon them.

“I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then His mercy does not depend on human will but on God who has mercy”.  (Romans 9 verses 15 – 16)

If He has mercy on whoever he wills, then He also hardens whosoever He wills, as verse 18 declares,

“So then He has mercy on whomever he wills and he hardens, makes stubborn and unyielding the heart of whomever He wills”.

Verse 14 says,

“What shall we conclude then? Is there injustice upon God’s part? Certainly not!

Verse 20 – 21 says,

“Who are you a mere man, that criticises and answers back to God? Will the thing that is formed say to him that formed it, why have you made me like this? Has not the potter any right over the clay, to make out of the one mass, a vessel for honourable use and another for dishonourable use”?

If God has hardened the hearts of the Jews so that gentiles might be saved and made partakers of the covenants and promises of Israel, then the gentiles should rejoice at the mercy of God and not be jealous when God turns again to Israel that some of them might be saved and grafted back in. God’s turning from Israel to the gentiles is not indicative of His eternal rejection of the Jew. It was a momentary lapse in standing. The time frame when God turned away from Israel to the gentiles and turns once again to Israel, to us may be a long time, yet not in God’s sight; it is but a fleeting moment. That moment is most certainly nearer than many of us realise. The Holy One of Israel will once again turn to show mercy to the nation of Israel by the instrument of His own choosing, namely believing gentiles, who will demonstrate the mercy of God toward them.

“So I ask, have they (the Jews) stumbled and fallen to their own ruin? Absolutely not! Through their false step, salvation has come to the gentiles, so as to stir up Israel, showing them what they have missed in order to make them jealous. Now if their stumbling has enriched the world and their failure means riches for the gentiles, then what will be their (the Jews) reinstatement”?  (Romans 11 verses 11 – 12)

To stir up Israel to jealousy is going to take more than a bear hug or a declaration that we love you. It will require the very laying down of our lives and a being one with them in their persecution. They will have to see the very Life of God being demonstrated by a people who were not His people but now are because of God’s mercy. They will have to see what they have missed in order to be made jealous. This will by no means be a casual demonstration on the part of believing gentiles, the church.

“I ask then, has God totally rejected and disowned His people? Of course not”…   (Romans 11 verse 1a)

“No, God has not rejected and disowned His people whose destiny He marked out and appointed from the beginning”…  (Romans 11 verse 2a)

“What then shall we conclude? Israel failed to obtain what it sought, only the elect obtained it, while the rest of them became indifferent and were blinded. As it is written, God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that should not see and ears that should not hear, that has continued right down to this very day. David says, let their table become a snare and a trap, a pitfall and retribution upon them; let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see and make them bend their back forever”.  (Romans 11 verses 7 – 10)

Why is Paul speaking thus? He wants us to perceive the same revelation of the mystery that was given to him from the Lord Himself. It must be a revelation to us also; else we will not see the glorious intent of God concerning Jew and gentile. When we consider gentile believers, we see them in context with Jewish believers and visa versa, they are not separate from each other, they are made one in the Messiah and that one will bless all the nations of the earth.

“In the hope of making my fellow Jews jealous to stir them up, thus managing to save some of them. For if their rejection from the benefits of salvation were overruled for the reconciliation of the world to God, what would their acceptance mean? Nothing short of life from the dead”!  (Romans 11 verses 14 – 15)

To stir up the Jews to jealousy is going to be an ominous task, one which gentile believers as a whole, are ill prepared for. What kind of requirement is it going to take on our part to do such a thing as that? It will take nothing less than a profound demonstration of love and mercy shown by gentile believers even to the point of laying down their own lives. Herein is the mercy and kindness of God revealed; Israel hardened their heart at the choosing of God, salvation has now come to the gentiles, a people who were not seeking Him were found by Him having accepted the free gift offered to them by Him who in turn makes Israel jealous by the mercy shown to them by the same believing gentiles. What great mercy is this? What wisdom, which wisdom transcends anything that man may offer, God in His foreknowledge chose at an appointed time to reveal the mystery that was hidden but now is made known. Halleluyah!! Gentile believers are made one with Jewish believers in the Messiah Yeshua to manifest His glory in the earth.

“Now if the handful of dough offered as the first fruits is holy, so is the whole mass and if the root is holy so are the branches”.  (Romans 11 verse 16)

This transcends anything imaginable, what glorious intent from the council of God. One can only conclude even as is written,

“O the depths of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and how untraceable are His ways”. (Romans 11 verse 33)

The need to grasp by revelation this mystery of Jew and gentile being formed into one body must be received by us from the Spirit of Truth, who is the revealer of Truth knowing that the God of Truth, is willing to reveal it. Are we willing to receive it?

“But if some of the branches were broken off, while you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among them to share the richness of the root of the olive tree, do not boast over the branches and pride yourself at their expense. If you do boast, remember it is not you who support the root but the root that supports you”.  (Romans 11 verses 17 – 18)

A guard against any form of pride in our hearts for those who may feel superior to the natural branches, is to humble ourselves in acknowledgement of the plan of God. This says what it means and means what it says. It is the root that supports you, not you the root.

“You will say then, branches were broken off that I might be grafted in! That is true. But they were broken off because of their unbelief and you stand fast because you do believe. So do not become proud or conceited, but rather stand in awe. For if God did not spare the natural branches because of unbelief, neither will He spare you if you are guilty of the same offence. Then note and appreciate the gracious kindness and severity of God; severity towards those who have fallen, but God’s gracious kindness to you, that is provided you continue in His grace; otherwise you too will be cut off. And even those others, if they do not persist in their unbelief will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. For if you have been cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and against nature grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much easier will it be to graft these natural branches back on their own olive tree. Lest you be self – opinionated, I do not want you to miss this hidden truth and mystery brethren: a hardening has temporarily befallen a part of Israel to last until the full number of the ingathering of the gentiles has come in and so shall all Israel be saved…”   (Romans 11 verse 19)

I have had the privilege of seeing a wild olive tree that has been grafted in onto a natural olive tree and all I can tell you is, I was moved deeply beyond myself to see that relationship in the Spirit, of Jew and gentile, the intensity of the moment has left an indelible print in my understanding that will remain forever. At the expense of sounding repetitive, we must grasp this relationship as the Holy Spirit of God reveals it. If it were left to us, would we have penned this as pointedly as Paul did? No mincing words here, if unbelief is found in our hearts, we are in danger of being cut off even as those who refused to continue in trust towards the Lord. What is it about unbelief that offends the heart of God so, that He would allow His servant to speak thus?

“But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”.  (Heb.11 verse 6)

“But the just shall live by faith and if he draws back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him”.  (Heb. 10 verse 38)

Our entire relationship with God is based upon faith; we believe that He is. Have any of us seen God at any time? God is Spirit, yet He invites us to believe in Him and follow after Him just believing that He is. This whole mystery of Jew and gentile needs to be grasped by faith, without which we cannot please God. Believing gentiles need to be careful not to become arrogant in that they feel superior to the Jews, because God’s purpose for the remnant of the Jews to be saved will come to pass, they will be grafted back in and so fulfil the eternal purposes of God. He will have a people, Jew and gentile formed into one body, who will demonstrate the very Life and Wisdom of God as witness in this earth to principalities and powers. It shall be so.

The fullness of the ingathering of the gentiles.

When something is full, it means no more can be added. There are an allocated number of gentiles who would come to believe in the Messiah of God and then God would turn once again to Israel and so a remnant will be saved. Can gentiles who have come to believe begin to acknowledge the mercy and kindness of God, in that they are made partakers of the blessings of the natural olive tree, they are engrafted into it by virtue of His mercy? There is no room for boasting as is the case amongst quite a number of believing gentiles. The time of the full number of the ingathering of the gentiles is just about on us.

“Lest you be self opinionated – wise in your own conceits – I do not want you to miss this hidden truth and mystery brethren, a hardening, insensibility has temporarily befallen a part of Israel to last until the full number of the ingathering of the gentiles has come in”.
(Romans 11 verse 25)

Just how great is the mercy of God toward all men; we who are gentiles have obtained mercy through their (Israel’s) disobedience and so are made partakers of the kingdom of God. His calling upon Israel to be a priestly nation to bless all the nations of the earth remains as part of His glorious intention. Gentiles who have come to believe in the Messiah are joined with Israel in one body to fulfil the same calling. No other nation on the face of this earth has been chosen to fulfil this save these two being fashioned into one. To Him be glory both now and ever more.