In previous posts, I have mentioned that God is at work in these last of days, setting things in order within the church. The church currently and for past generations is in a place of confusion, turmoil and rebellion against God. It is quite clear that if one looks at the history of the life of the church, we see so much that has actually brought disrepute upon the church, more importantly, it has brought grief and sadness to the heart of God.
Many unbelievers have been and are put off "church" because of all the confusion that exists within.
One of the main arguments that comes from unbelievers is, "which church is right"? It is a valid question, the answers of which reveal even more, the division that is prevalent in and amongst the church. Let there be a clear understanding here, that any reference here of unity is only to the true church. There is no inclusion of ecumenity of different religions here whatsoever. The unity of the Spirit including the unity of the Faith is only for those who have repented of heir sin and have believed on the Lord Jesus, those who subsequently have been placed by the Spirit into the body of Christ. To this church, there is great confusion, turmoil and every other Ishmaelic thing, that is to say, the working of the flesh. It is to this body that God is at work setting things in order.
Our teachings/doctrines have been corrupted by false teachings. We have made doctrines for ourselves in preference to the teachings of the apostles which are the teachings of Jesus. We have chosen to build for ourselves our own houses / denominations at the expense of THE HOUSE of God. We have chosen to divide ourselves according to our own belief systems that we have made for ourselves. ALL these are the works of the flesh. God has not given us the authority to do this, He may have allowed it, all because of our own rebellious way. Reading the scriptures, we see over and over again, that when Israel rebelled against God and His ways, He gave them over to the things they desired more than Him. This is true also in and for the church ..... but, the time is here that God is setting things in order, till we ALL come into that unity of the Spirit and the faith, when we will measure up to the SAME standard of Christ's own perfection and so we shall no longer be tossed backwards and forwards by false teachings. God will have a glorious church, free from any spot, wrinkle, blemish or any such thing, one that is suited for the Head, namely, JESUS. Grace and peace be with you all.
Many unbelievers have been and are put off "church" because of all the confusion that exists within.
One of the main arguments that comes from unbelievers is, "which church is right"? It is a valid question, the answers of which reveal even more, the division that is prevalent in and amongst the church. Let there be a clear understanding here, that any reference here of unity is only to the true church. There is no inclusion of ecumenity of different religions here whatsoever. The unity of the Spirit including the unity of the Faith is only for those who have repented of heir sin and have believed on the Lord Jesus, those who subsequently have been placed by the Spirit into the body of Christ. To this church, there is great confusion, turmoil and every other Ishmaelic thing, that is to say, the working of the flesh. It is to this body that God is at work setting things in order.
Our teachings/doctrines have been corrupted by false teachings. We have made doctrines for ourselves in preference to the teachings of the apostles which are the teachings of Jesus. We have chosen to build for ourselves our own houses / denominations at the expense of THE HOUSE of God. We have chosen to divide ourselves according to our own belief systems that we have made for ourselves. ALL these are the works of the flesh. God has not given us the authority to do this, He may have allowed it, all because of our own rebellious way. Reading the scriptures, we see over and over again, that when Israel rebelled against God and His ways, He gave them over to the things they desired more than Him. This is true also in and for the church ..... but, the time is here that God is setting things in order, till we ALL come into that unity of the Spirit and the faith, when we will measure up to the SAME standard of Christ's own perfection and so we shall no longer be tossed backwards and forwards by false teachings. God will have a glorious church, free from any spot, wrinkle, blemish or any such thing, one that is suited for the Head, namely, JESUS. Grace and peace be with you all.