Saturday, 8 February 2014


In my last blog titled authenticity, I basically wrote of relationships amongst believers in Christ that need to be of an authentic kind, rather than superficial, distant and altogether non reflective of the Life of Christ as demonstration to a world that is waiting to see Christ "manifested in the flesh". This will most certainly require more than just a few hours of going to church in the week and a meeting on a Sunday morning with a cup of tea and a catch up of the weeks goings on with those we may be on closer speaking terms with.

The account of the book of Acts and the letters to the various churches reveal relationships established by the Spirit and Love of God, which motivated life amongst believers in a profound way. Something so profound was birthed in the hearts and lives of the early believers that their testimony was one of authority and power and challenged the status quo of the day.

God has appointed Jesus as Lord and Head over His body, which we are. We are being fashioned and formed TOGETHER as and for a fixed abode for Him to dwell in His fullness by His Spirit. Our current state of affairs as His body is, one of division and dysfunction which generally has very little authority and power. There will be a restoration of this, a setting in order of this House of God, by Himself and for Himself by the working of His Holy Spirit in and through believers who love Him and seek Him with all their lives, who are submitted to Him in all things, who love the household of faith in purity and holiness.

These end times are the time and choosing of God when He will establish ALL that He has decreed regarding His church as a witness and demonstration to principalities and powers of His own many faceted Wisdom. The church has been weighed in the balances and is found wanting. It is time to awaken out of our sleep and rise up and put away ALL the works of the flesh. It is time to build the House of God and not our own panelled houses, our denominations and little kingdoms and works of the flesh. God is jealous for His House.  If we have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to His church, then let us hear. Grace be with you all.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014



To be authentic can be defined as, of undisputed origin, not a copy, genuine. Some synonyms are, genuine, real, actual, true, bona fide.
 God is authentic, His Word and Spirit are authentic. Therefore, as is the nature of the case, so must be the church. Why? Because the church emanates out of Him. Like kind produces after its own kind.  There are spiritual realities we are yet to grasp. Things written in the scriptures, that must come to us by way of revelation. 

In order for the church to be the demonstration to principalities and powers of the wisdom of God, see Ephesians 3:10, we need to live authentic lives. This will require us to live by and walk in the spirit. We are exhorted to live and walk accordingly in numerous instances in scripture. See Romans 8, Galatians 5.
This will require of us the very same spirit that was at the first, when the Holy Spirit came upon the believers gathered in the upper room on what we know as the day of pentecost. 

Something was born in that day, that altered the way believers lived their lives. Read the account in the the book of Acts, chapters 1 - 5. There was a radical change in attitudes and mindsets.The Love of God filled their hearts in such a radical way. The desire to share all things common, material possessions, meals and fellowship on a daily basis was common practice. The result of this, great grace was upon them all.  No one had any need, for their needs were met out of a common purse. 
The Acts way, was a way of great power and demonstration of the Love of God in action.  Grace is not just the unmerited favour of God, It is much more than that. IT IS THE DIVINE INFLUENCE IN THE HEART AND ITS REFLECTION OUT OF  IT. Consider this and see what manner of spirit we have today.The Acts Way is authentic life.

What has any of this to do with the end times? Everything. It has long been time for the church to get her act together. God affords us the time to repent and turn away from our own selfish ways and take upon us the very Spirit of Christ, enabling us to love one another in humility and true fellowship.

 If we choose not to freely turn away from selfishness or any other such thing, we will inevitably, come under the discipline and chastisement of a Father who wants us to be sharers in His holiness. See Hebrews 12:4 - 11 

God is settings things in order within His House. We are the House of God. The divisions, the pride in our own works, the rebellion and every other Ishmaelic thing has come under the scrutiny of the Spirit of God and He requires us His people to repent and turn away from our pride. 

Whatever falsity we have become accustomed to living by, is being challenged to be replaced by authenticity in each and every one of us. It's time to get real. This will affect the way we live in these end times. Consider these things. Grace be with you all.