Sunday, 4 January 2015


Human emotions come in varying forms, happiness, joy, satisfaction, grief, pain, sorrow and so on. We are moved this way or that way depending on which emotion is motivating us at the time. These emotions can rule and regulate our outlook on life and make us either positive or negative.

The scriptures encourage and even admonish us to walk by and in the Spirit in order to not fulfil the desires of the flesh. Human emotions are not bad in themselves, they are a part of our human make up, but, when they control us we become their slave, good or bad. Walking by the Spirit of God, enables us to take control of our emotions.

ALL human beings at some time or the other have a fear of what lies ahead in the future. Everybody wants security, most everybody wants to know what tomorrow may bring. The Lord Jesus taught us "not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has its own troubles".

Be at peace, and rest in the knowledge that the Lord Jesus is in control of our future, we need to trust in and rely on Him to lead us and guide us in the way. There is no one more qualified to do this than the Lord Jesus. It is true, difficult and stressful times, hard to bear, are coming, indeed are here even now. The Lord has given us ample warning and the apostolic writings have given us warning in advance.

The Lord Jesus said, " in the world you shall have trials and tribulations, but, be joyful and cheerful, I have overcome the world". Whether in life or in death, we can trust the Lord to be there as a shepherd leads His sheep. The Lord knows the plans He has for us; we are not as those in the world who have no hope. He is our security, our hope of steadfastness. This world system shall surely fail, banks will crumble, governments will fail, BUT, the Lord our God is an immovable Rock and He has covenanted with us, He is absolutely faithful and can be trusted. Grace and peace be with you.