My thoughts constantly take me to the end times, not merely because of all the turmoil taking place around the globe, but because it is embedded in my spirit deeply by the Lord Himself. We are most certainly living in the last days upon which much of what the Lord Jesus said would come to pass.
Where is the place of safety? Is it in the mountains or the wilderness of the nations? No, it is in the intimate presence of the Father. Only in Him is there safety. I was reminded earlier on by a post a friend shared with me of a shofar sounding loud and clear, of a time in 1984, when the Spirit of God spoke these words clearly to me, " You (plural) need to draw closer to Me, in order to be kept safe in the day of trouble." (whether near or remote)
I see a parallel of Noah's day, when the ark was completed and the Lord God brought the animals into the ark and Noah and his family. The ark is symbolic of the intimate presence of God and He is inviting us into His presence in order to be kept safe from that which is about to come upon the earth.
It shall come and is coming as a noose and trap to ensnare all who dwell on the face of the entire earth.
If we have ears to hear then lets us hear. These things need to be considered seriously, we need to open our eyes and ears and hear and listen. Grace and peace be with you all.
Where is the place of safety? Is it in the mountains or the wilderness of the nations? No, it is in the intimate presence of the Father. Only in Him is there safety. I was reminded earlier on by a post a friend shared with me of a shofar sounding loud and clear, of a time in 1984, when the Spirit of God spoke these words clearly to me, " You (plural) need to draw closer to Me, in order to be kept safe in the day of trouble." (whether near or remote)
I see a parallel of Noah's day, when the ark was completed and the Lord God brought the animals into the ark and Noah and his family. The ark is symbolic of the intimate presence of God and He is inviting us into His presence in order to be kept safe from that which is about to come upon the earth.
It shall come and is coming as a noose and trap to ensnare all who dwell on the face of the entire earth.
If we have ears to hear then lets us hear. These things need to be considered seriously, we need to open our eyes and ears and hear and listen. Grace and peace be with you all.