Life as a disciple of Christ is a very challenging walk. It matters not what your station in life is. Whether you are poor or wealthy, have a high standing in this life or not. Following after the Lord Jesus presents many challenges.
If our outward circumstances are ones of living in abundance, lacking no material possessions, what then is the actual condition of our heart? We may have it all together in the physical, material realm, but, what is going on in the inner recesses of the heart? "A man's life does not consist of the things he possesses", said Jesus. Why not? Because they are fleeting and temporal. The issues of the heart are the issues of eternity. This is worth repeating, the issues of the heart are the issues of eternity.
Bear in mind, this is in the context of disciples in the the kingdom of God. If we are rich in the resources of this world, the spirit of the kingdom of God dictates that. if we see our brother or sister having lack, we ought to bless them with the things they are in need of. and not close our heart of compassion against them. We cannot posses the Spirit of Christ and heap up FOR OURSELVES. great wealth to satisfy the cravings of our own flesh.
True prosperity is this, that in our prosperity. we do not forget or neglect the needs of others. especially. those of the household of faith. If in our prosperity, we heap up treasures for ourselves, our hearts are darkened and ruled by the spirit of selfishness. which is the spirit of this age. We are not demonstrating the love of Christ.
There are those, who in the name of Christ, say they are rich and lack nothing, yet their hearts are shut up to those who have lack. These last days are going to reveal those who are born of God and those who are not. God is in the process of revealing what is in our hearts. because, the issues of the heart are the issues of eternity. Blessed is the man or woman who has wealth, but distributes it to those in need and do not gather up for themselves treasure on this earth. This is the spirit of the kingdom of God.
The grace of God be with you.
The grace of God be with you.