The Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, unexpectedly. To whom does this happen? To those who are asleep, to those who are not watching and waiting. Make no mistake, that Day is coming and it is nearer than ever before. Will we be counted amongst those who are asleep, like the 5 foolish virgins? If we are caught unaware, it is because we have not been wise, we have not been observant.
We are exhorted often in the scriptures to be watchful, to be awake, to be on our guard; by the Lord Himself and by the apostles. It is clearly not a light matter by any measure.The outcome of not being awake and sober minded is, the grave potential of falling away from the faith, because of multiplied lawlessness being on the increase in these last of days. This cannot be emphasised enough. We are the generation that will see the return of the Messiah, coupled with all the difficulties that come with it.
Each year that passes by, brings added hardships and difficulties that pressure anyone, especially believers in Christ, to allow their faith to wane and ultimately grow cold, or be strengthened. Governmental laws are being passed that demand believers to accept practices that go against what God says is permissible or not. If you don't comply, you will face fines or imprisonment.
The Lord Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulations....". The apostle Paul said,"it is through much tribulation that we enter the kingdom of God." Tribulation proves our faith. If our faith is in things or people, we shall surely be shaken and stumble and perhaps even fall. Now is the time for us to draw ever near to the Lord and to do His will. "Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but they who do the will of the Father".
The Day of the Lord comes, none will escape it. Are we preparing for it? I pray that our faith will be rooted and grounded in Him Who is the immovable Rock and sure Foundation. Grace and peace to you who love the Lord.