Friday 6 December 2019


As each day comes and goes, they become weeks, months and years. We are ever drawing nearer to the end of this age of darkness. The day comes when the Light of the Glory of God shines and covers this earth. A time when all that is opposed to God in every form is bound up for 1000 years, with the master deceiver, satan. Even though Christ disarmed principalities and powers, and triumphed over them by His cross, satan is still the god of this age and world system. (See Colossians 2 : 15, Ephesians 2 : 2 and  2 Corinthians 4 : 4)

Hebrews 6 : 4, speaks of "tasting the powers of the age to come"...  What Glory and splendour will we, as redeemed ones, encounter during this time. Our best imaginations fail us. To attempt to comprehend what glory will be revealed, we can only imagine. No sickness, no hatred, no weakness, no sin, nothing of the works of darkness. The earth will yield forth its fruit in absolute perfection. We will be dwelling in glorified, transfigured bodies. The overcoming believers, will be ruling cities and nations with Him, with a rod of iron.

The Fullness of Christ will have come to full maturity in us, as the one new man. The Fullness of the Godhead that dwelt in Christ, will dwell in us in perfect unity. ( See Colossians 2: 9 - 10)
Be encouraged saints of God. Although we suffer many things in this age, we have a great treasure, an eternal weight of Glory ahead of us when Christ comes to rule and reign in this earth. Hold fast, let us not waver now. Stand firm, for we shall reap what is promised. The grace of God be with you.

DVD 17 The Mystery Of Israel And The Church by Art Katz

Sunday 6 January 2019


The Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, unexpectedly. To whom does this happen? To those who are asleep, to those who are not watching and waiting. Make no mistake, that Day is coming and it is nearer than ever before. Will we be counted amongst those who are asleep, like the 5 foolish virgins? If we are caught unaware, it is because we have not been wise, we have not been observant.

We are exhorted often in the scriptures to be watchful, to be awake, to be on our guard; by the Lord Himself and by the apostles. It is clearly not a light matter by any measure.The outcome of not being awake and sober minded is, the grave potential of falling away from the faith, because of multiplied lawlessness being on the increase in these last of days. This cannot be emphasised enough. We are the generation that will see the return of the Messiah, coupled with all the difficulties that come with it.

Each year that passes by, brings added hardships and difficulties that pressure anyone, especially believers in Christ, to allow their faith to wane and ultimately grow cold, or be strengthened. Governmental laws are being passed that demand believers to accept practices that go against what God says is permissible or not. If you don't comply, you will face fines or imprisonment.

The Lord Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulations....". The apostle Paul said,"it is through much tribulation that we enter the kingdom of God." Tribulation proves our faith. If our faith is in things or people, we shall surely be shaken and stumble and perhaps even fall. Now is the time for us to draw ever near to the Lord and to do His will. "Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but they who do the will of the Father".

The Day of the Lord comes, none will escape it. Are we preparing for it? I pray that our faith will be rooted and grounded in Him Who is the immovable Rock and sure Foundation. Grace and peace to you who love the Lord.

Saturday 29 December 2018


The last two short articles I wrote, reflect a very important aspect to our sojourn here on this earth, in these last of days. Are our hearts in the right place? The subtle entrapments that are already coming upon those who dwell on this earth are taking their toll, whether you believe in God or not. They are taking their toll in personal lives and relationships.

Divorce and remarriage abound, even amongst believers. We do what we want, when we want and label it the will of God. The truth of the Lord Jesus words are coming to pass, (See Luke 21.)

25 And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth [there will be] distress (trouble and anguish) of nations in bewilderment and perplexity [without resources, left wanting, embarrassed, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn] at the roaring (the echo) of the tossing of the sea, 26 Men swooning away or expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectation of the things that are coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken and caused to totter."

The apostle Paul says, " they will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God..." In other words, self centered, self motivated. Consideration of God is shunned, laughed at, mocked and jeered at.

Jesus said, "he who endures to the end, that one will be saved". Are our hearts in the right place? Do we love God with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength? He does not play second fiddle to anyone, father, mother, brother, sister, wife or husband, no, none.

The love of many will grow cold, our affection for Christ will wane and fade. Christ will no longer be the One many hold dear to. The sifting of the true and false is upon us. Let us all examine our hearts and see if we are holding to the faith. May the grace of God be with us, that grace that teaches us to say no to unrighteousness and ungodliness.

Sunday 2 December 2018


Just what are the thoughts of our inner being, our spirit. No one knows the thoughts of a man except his own spirit within him and the Spirit of God. We can hide our thoughts from others quite easily, and get away with it. Yet God sees through ALL things; we cannot fool Him. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do.

The Lord Jesus knows everything there is to know about us. We may give an outward appearance of godliness or wear a mask well, but we do not fool Him. A religious spirit is despised by the Lord. It is better to come under the scrutiny of the Spirit and have our true condition exposed by Him now, than to wait for that day to hear the words "depart from Me". What a woeful day that will be.

To have an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus and doing the will of the Father are the issues of the heart. Being merely religious, will not get one into the kingdom of heaven, nor will doing good deeds to appease one's conscience suffice. I pray this will stir us and cause us to examine our hearts to see if we are holding to THE FAITH.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

Sunday 15 November 2015


Life as a disciple of Christ is a very challenging walk. It matters not what your station in life is. Whether you are poor or wealthy, have a high standing in this life or not. Following after the Lord Jesus presents many challenges.

 If our outward circumstances are ones of living in abundance, lacking no material possessions, what then is the actual condition of our heart? We may have it all together in the physical, material realm, but, what is going on in the inner recesses of the heart? "A man's life does not consist of the things he possesses", said Jesus. Why not? Because they are fleeting and temporal. The issues of the heart are the issues of eternity. This is worth repeating, the issues of the heart are the issues of eternity.

Bear in mind, this is in the context of disciples in the the kingdom of God. If we are rich in the resources of this world, the spirit of the kingdom of God dictates that. if we see our brother or sister having lack, we ought to bless them with the things they are in need of. and not close our heart of compassion against them. We cannot posses the Spirit of Christ and heap up FOR OURSELVES. great wealth to satisfy the cravings of our own flesh.

 True prosperity is this, that in our prosperity. we do not forget or neglect the needs of others. especially. those of the household of faith. If in our prosperity, we heap up treasures for ourselves, our hearts are darkened and ruled by the spirit of selfishness. which is the spirit of this age. We are not demonstrating the love of Christ.

There are those, who in the name of Christ, say they are rich and lack nothing, yet their hearts are shut up to those who have lack. These last days are going to reveal those who are born of God and those who are not. God is in the process of revealing what is in our hearts. because, the issues of the heart are the issues of eternity. Blessed is the man or woman who has wealth, but distributes it to those in need and do not gather up for themselves treasure on this earth. This is the spirit of the kingdom of God.
The grace of God be with you.

Saturday 15 August 2015


My thoughts constantly take me to the end times, not merely because of all the turmoil taking place around the globe, but because it is embedded in my spirit deeply by the Lord Himself. We are most certainly living in the last days upon which much of what the Lord Jesus said would come to pass.

Where is the place of safety? Is it in the mountains or the wilderness of the nations? No, it is in the intimate presence of the Father. Only in Him is there safety. I was reminded earlier on by a post a friend shared with me of a shofar sounding loud and clear, of a time in 1984, when the Spirit of God spoke these words clearly to me, " You (plural) need to draw closer to Me, in order to be kept safe in the day of trouble." (whether near or remote)

I see a parallel of Noah's day, when the ark was completed and the Lord God brought the animals into the ark and Noah and his family. The ark is symbolic of the intimate presence of God and He is inviting us into His presence in order to be kept safe from that which is about to come upon the earth.
It shall come and is coming as a noose and trap to ensnare all who dwell on the face of the entire earth.

If we have ears to hear then lets us hear. These things need to be considered seriously, we need to open our eyes and ears and hear and listen. Grace and peace be with you all.

Wednesday 8 July 2015


I understand the ramifications of the U.S. supreme court's ruling, of which there are consequences. The degradation of a nation begins in the heavenly sphere, where principalities and powers hold sway over the minds of unrighteous men who, enact laws into a nations constitution. We most always down play the influence these spirit forces play in a nation. This does not merely apply to the U.S. but every nation on the face of the earth, yes, even the nation of Israel and most certainly here in the UK, whose own debauchery is evident. 
Government officials are elected into place by the democratic process, or of course, by deceit and fraudulence. Either way, it is God who determines the outcome of a vote, because, He sees what we do not see.
The pride and arrogance that issues forth from unrighteous men, unless repented of, will be met by God's hand of justice and unless the " My people " of 2 Chronicles 7 : 14 is taken seriously by that same people, which is to say, God's own, we will run headlong into that judgement that will ever separate the sheep from the goats.
Righteousness lifts up a nation, sin however, is a reproach to ANY people. What does this say about the church in the nations???? 
The Lord Jesus returns again to take for Himself a people, a bride who has been made spotless and without blemish, one who has made herself ready. The process by which this people arrive at this condition is one of discipline, moulding, remoulding, breaking and restoring and His return draws ever closer.
Look up for your redemption draws near. Events that prelude the return of Christ are vastly on the increase, therefore, the time of straitening and the great tribulation approach more rapidly. Are we being prepared for this time? Distress of nations, men's hearts failing them because of fear of what is coming upon them. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with us all.