I understand the ramifications of the U.S. supreme court's ruling, of which there are consequences. The degradation of a nation begins in the heavenly sphere, where principalities and powers hold sway over the minds of unrighteous men who, enact laws into a nations constitution. We most always down play the influence these spirit forces play in a nation. This does not merely apply to the U.S. but every nation on the face of the earth, yes, even the nation of Israel and most certainly here in the UK, whose own debauchery is evident.
Government officials are elected into place by the democratic process, or of course, by deceit and fraudulence. Either way, it is God who determines the outcome of a vote, because, He sees what we do not see.
The pride and arrogance that issues forth from unrighteous men, unless repented of, will be met by God's hand of justice and unless the " My people " of 2 Chronicles 7 : 14 is taken seriously by that same people, which is to say, God's own, we will run headlong into that judgement that will ever separate the sheep from the goats.
Righteousness lifts up a nation, sin however, is a reproach to ANY people. What does this say about the church in the nations????
The Lord Jesus returns again to take for Himself a people, a bride who has been made spotless and without blemish, one who has made herself ready. The process by which this people arrive at this condition is one of discipline, moulding, remoulding, breaking and restoring and His return draws ever closer.
Look up for your redemption draws near. Events that prelude the return of Christ are vastly on the increase, therefore, the time of straitening and the great tribulation approach more rapidly. Are we being prepared for this time? Distress of nations, men's hearts failing them because of fear of what is coming upon them. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with us all.
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